Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Running on Fumes

Russia has severe problems recruiting for their army, even for safe, well paid and ordinarily attractive non-combat positions. Fighting morale in the Russian army is so low that they now have to assign Chechnyan soldiers to police their own people, to make them obey orders and stop them from deserting. Ukraine is hitting military air fields and ammunition depots in Crimea, scaring Russian civilians in the illegally annexed region and making them leave by the thousands.

Russian units are exhausted, both in terms of being worn down from non-stop combat without relief, and in terms of their numbers dwindling due to heavy losses. Wherever the Russian army attempts to gain ground, it is met with fierce and unrelenting resistance from Ukrainian forces. Russia is blaming successful Ukrainian strikes against military targets on accidents caused by their own incompetence, rather than admitting that Ukraine is now fighting back and hitting them hard where it hurts.

Ukraine has the moral and economic support of the entire Western world. Russia stands increasingly alone, keeping only a token amount of allies like Syria, Chechnnya, Belarus, Iran and North Korea.

We are getting closer to the end of this war, and it's looking to be a total and devastating loss for Russia and Putin.