Monday, April 11, 2022

Re: Problems

Russian armed forces are trying to REorganise, REbuild and REdeploy in eastern Ukraine. However, REports tell a story of an army in complete disarray, with problems in three essential areas: REcruitment, REplenishing and REtention. Nobody wants to join the army to fight Putin's insane war. There are no REplacements or REpairs available for lost or damaged equipment. REsupply chains are strained, insufficient, even depleted. REserves for troops are nonexistent. Professional soldiers who REalise what they are ordered to do tend their REsignations and wish to REturn home. REcruits who are forced to fight in Ukraine show REmorse and REact with REpulsion when REality hits them: they are REpeating history in a very ugly manner, working for the side that is REviled globally.

On top of this, Ukraine is now REsponding with REtaliations of REnewed intensity.

This war is REally not going well for Putin, and there will be a REckoning.

(Yes, I'm sick of all this. What is there to say? Bad is bad, good is good. Go good. Boo bad.)