Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Human Kind, and Others

A common observation among authors, philosophers, psychologists and thinking people in general is that human beings are a mix of good and bad. This is true in terms of proportions of the population, but also on the individual level: almost every person has in them the inherent ability to do good, but also to do bad. With a silly pun, "human kind" is a collection of people who are generally human, and kind, with the inhuman acts and evil deeds being the exception rather that the rule, usually by a comfortably and reassuringly wide margin.

Circumstances and upbringing contribute greatly to what actions each individual chooses to perform, and people who commit evil deeds might under different conditions have been productive and peaceful members of society. Likewise, kind and compassionate people might under very different circumstances have become callous and taken to inflict pain and suffering on others. Our constant struggle with this duality has been the subject of most religions and life philosophies. Both as a species and as individuals, we are not likely to altogether shake off our bad traits any time soon. In fact, it can be argued that the struggle between good and bad, between human and inhuman, between kind and cruel, is something that fundentally defines us and cannot be taken away.

However, there are limits to what we can tolerate. Some people commit acts so atrocious, so alien to the rest of us, that we must denounce them as thoroughly and irredeemably evil. There is no good side to these people that could possibly make up for their unspeakable crimes. It takes only one of these people to destroy the life of countless others, and therefore we must not allow them to even be in the minority. They must be stopped and taken out of the large and complicated equation that is human society. Their continued existence among us does nothing but harm, and they are never going to change in a manner that can make up for their catastrophic failures to behave as humans.

I am not speaking only of dictators like Vladimir Putin, who are directly responsible for the death of thousands and the suffering of millions. Seeing the ugly aftermath of the Russian troops withdrawing from "liberated" parts of northern Ukraine, I am also speaking of men who are so thoroughly confused that they assert sexual dominance under threat of death to their victims, or even murder them after they have forced themselves on them. Men who rape, and especially men who rape systematically under the pretense of fighting a righteous war against imaginary threats, do not deserve to be part of the human race. So-called soldiers who rape children have forfeited their right to live. Men who take and even actively seek such opportunities, who can somehow maintain an erection under such sick circumstances, and in some unspeakably perverted manner enjoy the act, have nothing inside them that is of any use to others. They deserve death, plain and simple. I do not call for their suffering, or seek retribution in any other way than that we just rid ourselves of them. While it can be argued that we should treat them humanely, because that is who we are, I beg to differ. There is a limit, and crossing the line to commit such unspeakably evil acts as rape against other humans, even against children, means that there is something fundamentally wrong deep inside the perpetrator. There is nothing that could redeem a person who crossed that line. They are no longer human, and there is no way to make them right again. They might not have been beyond saving before they chose to give in to their dark side, but once they consciously turned away from the light, they forfeited their right to be judged as humans. They are animals, beasts, monsters, the stuff of our worst nighmares, and they simply have no place among us -- among the overwhelmingly human, kind, human kind.

I am literally prepared to die for other people's right to exist, but rapists of children are not people.