Saturday, November 25, 2017

Man Of Yesteryear

For some bizarre reason, Donald Trump chose to distract from today's explosive development in his Russia scandal with a very obvious lie: that TIME Magazine had called him, saying that he would "probably" be named their Person of the Year for the second year in a row, but that he turned the offer down, saying "probably isn't good enough".

The man is batshit crazy. Even TIME Magazine called his lie and explained that their choice is never revealed, not even to the recipient, before the official announcement.

If anyone around the corrupt puppet president #45 is to be awarded the title, it's his special appointed nemesis, Robert Mueller. Now, there's a person to admire. He has his most memorable accomplishments ahead of him, though, and the big case against Donald Trump and his inept cronies will not play out in full until 2018. Perhaps Mueller should be named Person of the Year for 2018 instead.

In any case, nobody but Donald Trump himself would believe his insame delusion that he is somehow still relevant.