We are finally at the point where the former pretend president of the United States is going to be indicted for at least some of the many egregious crimes he committed during and immediately after his presidency. One lawsuit concerns his attempts at election interference and the related insurrection on January 6, and another is about his theft and gross mishandling of classified documents.
Both lawsuits are very likely to land him a long prison sentence, and once that starts to sink in with the general public, we will probably be relieved of the media hype about Donald Trump being a candidate for the 2024 election. He is not only senile and in bad health - by election day 2024 he is going to be behind bars for the rest of his pitiful life.
Because these lawsuits against Trump have been kept out of the news cycle for the networks to get more clicks and better ratings (yes, they are that cynical and dishonest), we haven't heard much about the many people who were once Trump's willing henchmen. Such people include most of his cabinet, his legal advisors, his political advisors, his family, and various shady characters with ties to Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. Many of these people have likely cut deals with the prosecution in exchange for leniency, but they are not all going to walk away from this without consequences. Many people besides the trembling orange blob that calls itself Donald Trump (in third person, nonetheless) will go to prison over their role in the failed experiment in racism, bigotry, fascism, evangelical extremism and greed that was the single, horrible presidential term of Donald Trump. And they all deserve it.
For all of you who wondered how some of the horrible people we saw in politics a few years ago could get away with what they did, expect to learn quite soon that they did not, in fact, get away after all. Justice is slow, but it will be served to a lot of human garbage who deserve it. And it will be glorious to watch.