Thursday, January 12, 2023

Last Gasp

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a failure since the outset. Russian forces were badly prepared, badly equipped, insufficiently trained, undisciplined and unmotivated. They are being forced and tricked into fighting a war they don't want, don't need and can't win, and the command structure of the army is a joke, with corrupt and incompetent commanders showing a total disregard for human life, not only when it comes to Ukrainians, but for their own troops as well. Only the private-run Wagner Group shows any sign of being able to put up a fight, but even they are failing and resorting to sending thousands of convicts to die in a fight over a small piece of land outside a heavily fortified city they have no hope of ever capturing.

In the crumbling remains of the Russian army, I imagine all hope is long lost. In barracks as well as on the battlefield, guards are deployed around the clock to keep people from deserting. This is not the way to win a war, and they must know it.

For the Russians, ammunition is now running low. Equipment is breaking down with no means for repairing it. Medical evacuation is nonexistent, and wounded soldiers are simply left to die. What we are seeing is the last gasp from a dictator so detached from reality that he sacrificed his country for his own vanity. Putin is finished, and Russia will pay the price for his atrocities for decades to come.