Friday, July 8, 2022


Despite its oppressive, totalitarian rule and its imperialistic plans for world domination, the Soviet Union was governed by rational people. Misguided, for certain, and evil, but rational. Current Russia, however, is not.

Russia is now the monster we used to be afraid that the Soviet Union could be, but never quite was. Russia is committing horrendous crimes against humanity, and denying it in the face of irrefutable evidence. An entire world is watching in horror while a mindless, ravaging beast is running amok in the middle of Europe, murdering people by the thousands without hesitation or remorse, with no consideration to anything but its own delusional plans for ruling the world by fear and aggression.

We are still in shock, paralyzed by a nagging feeling of disbelief. Surely this can't be happening?

Well, it is. And if we don't act now to kill the monster, it will eat us too. There is no reasoning with it, because it is driven by rage and fueled by hate, leaving all rational thought behind. For the sake of humanity,  the monster must be put down.