Monday, July 11, 2022

Go Home

In the G20 meeting, the Russian representative Sergey Lavrov left the room on several occasions when people spoke negatively about Russia's despicable actions in Ukraine, and he left early, right after his own speech which was nothing but transparent lies and propaganda. It's as if Russia stomped their feet and said "if you don't play nice with us, we will take our toys and go home".

Fine. We don't want to play with you, Russia, and we don't care for your toys. Nobody likes you, nobody believes your lies, and nobody wants to be your friend, because you are a bully, hiding your insecurity behind a pile of nuclear weapons. Yes, it's scary that you have them and that you resort to threats to use them so easily, but apart from those, you have nothing, and it shows. Most of your nuclear weapons are probably not even in working condition after the corrupt neglect that seems to have been standard procedure at all levels in the Russian army for the past three decades. It would be horrible to see that put to the test, but if even a single Russian nuclear weapon detonated on foreign soil, Russia would not even be a country for much longer.

The only problem here is you, Russia. You invaded Ukraine. Go home, and stay there. You will not be missed.