Thursday, March 24, 2022

Kick Ass

It may be inappropriate to say it in these exact words, given that the cost to Ukraine is huge in terms of material losses, human suffering and death, but there is no better phrase for it: The resistance in Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass. We are watching it with mixed feelings, wishing none of this were happening while cheering for the Ukrainean courage and persistence. Russia's losses are staggering, their advance has stalled on all fronts, and they do not appear to have any replenishments available, neither in terms of weapons, ammunition or personnel.

Morale is low and sinking on the Russian side, but high and rising on the Ukrainean side. Despite Russia's dominance in theory over the smaller Ukrainean army, practice seems to tell a very different story.

This is not a cause for celebration, but it is a cause for optimism about the outcome of this ugly, dishonest, deranged, unnecessary and criminal attack by Russia on its friendly neighbor Ukraine.