Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Grave Mistake

Russia is losing the war they started in Ukraine. Russian forces are holding less territory than a few days ago, and they are fighting on empty stomachs and with nothing to gain, with failing support and dwindling reserves, while suffering catastrophic losses. A fight that was planned to be over in a few days is now running into its fourth week without any end in sight.

Putin has made a grave mistake, and he must know it. His attempts at saving face even in front of his own people are failing, even though he tries to make his own propaganda the only source of information. If Russians are ever going to be allowed more or less open access to the Internet again, his lies will be exposed even to his most fervent supporters. He has no way out of this except through what for him is an unthinkable and intolerable humiliation: to admit defeat and stand down. However, a malignant narcissisist is mentally unable to do that, no matter what the alternative might be. It's hard to see an end to this war unless Putin is somehow taken out of the equation by force.

Hoping for that to happen might be futile, but it's really the only hope I can find right now.