Saturday, May 23, 2020

No good people

Contrary to what Donald Trump likes to claim in every case where his side fucked up, and there are certainly a lot of those cases, the two sides are not equally credible, equally competent, equally good or equally worthy of respect. While there are countless good people lining up on the Democrats' side for the upcoming US election, and seemingly no bad people, the Republican camp is filled ro the brim with nincompoops, morons, incompetent nitwits with less than half a brain to share between them. They are also cynical, calculating and outright evil, lying with every breath and trying to spread fear and confusion in a time of desperation for the entire world.

The Trump cult is the opposite of good in every way. These are fundamentally not good people, they are not good at what they do, they are not doing any good, what they are doing is not good. There are two sides to this, but only one of them is the good side. It is extremely important that we make sure the good side wins. If we fail, the world is in for a dark age.