Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fool Me Twice

There are a number of reasons why you would have voted for Donald Trump in the 2015 election. Perhaps you voted along party lines and cast your vote for a political party that no longer deserves your loyalty. Perhaps you were too busy or too lazy to get the facts in the matter and was fooled by the blunt, bludgenoning rhetorics and the bald-faced lies. Perhaps you wanted to "stick it to the man" and "shake things up a little". Perhaps you are just stupid. I get it. A democracy runs the risk of being taken to the wrong place by unscrupulous candidates, and we are seeing it happen all over the world. I won't say I like it, but a democracy is the best we have come up with so far when it comes to systems of government, and the risk of sometimes having a bad candidate win comes with the package.

However, the madness, senility, malevolence, hatefulness, dishonesty, ignorance, incompetence, laziness, greed and general stupidity of Donald Trump are now prominently on display for everyone to see, and there is only one reason why anyone would vote for him again. If you vote for Trump to have a second term, you are evil. Plain and simple, there is absolutely no reason to vote for him other than being evil.

There is a way out of this shit-show, and it is to vote the turd out of the White House and replace him with someone, anyone, who is even remotely competent and intent on actually doing the job. If you fail to do the right thing this time, there are no excuses.