What does it take for a very demonstrably incompetent, corrupt, criminal, hateful and traitorous president to be forcibly removed from office?
Is it enough that he openly breaks several laws regulating the appropriate conduct of a US president, and even brags about it? Apparently not. Does it matter to his enablers that he tells childish, transparent lies every time he speaks? No. Is it a problem that the supposedly "Christian" president is a sexual predator who has had numerous extramarital affairs during all of his marriages, and has been accused of rape by several credible witnesses, including minors? Sadly, no. Is he in trouble because he separates children from their asylum-seeking parents at the Mexican border, places them in concentration camps under inhumane conditions and "loses" track of who their parents are? Apparently not.
Do people care that he tanked the US economy by overspending on tax reliefs for those who dont need it, and that he is trying to dismantle the best attempt the country has ever seen to create some kind of universal health care insurance? Not by the look of it.
Is it bothering his voters that he is a racist? No. That he sucks up to foreign dictators and compares domestic political opponents to terrorists? Again, no. Is there any sign of Republicans maybe not wanting a president who is an illiterate complete idiot, one who believes his own "hunches" over expert advice based on scientific evidence? No. They seem to be just fine with that.
Do people want him out of office for his catastrophic and lethal mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic? It doesn't seem that way.
How about if it becomes known that Russia has offered a bounty on US troops in Afghanistan, that Trump and his administration knew about it since March but kept silent about it, and that he then still decided to try to convince other countries to once again include Russia in the G7 meetings?
For some reason,
that appears to have struck a nerve.
I will never quite understand what makes Republican-voting Americans tick, and why this particular story may be what swings the opinion irrevocably in Trump's opponents' favor. It's weird that this kind of situation could even occur, but I won't look a a given horse in the mouth.
Keep up the work, Donald Trump, and you will be out of office soon! I'd rather have you thrown out forcibly by impeachment or by an invocation of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, landing in utter humiliation on your ass on the way out, but I can wait a few months to see you voted into oblivion. Let's just hope that the United States will survive the blows until you are gone. This is a gauntlet for democracy, and even though it now finally seems like the good guys are winning, every good person in the United States needs to stay vigilant, oppose all the stupidity, and