Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"You're Fired!"

In the delusional world of Donald Trump, he can make witnesses to his crimes disappear by firing them. In reality, this only sets them free to tell everything without any loyalty issues, and without fear of further retaliation. He may be hoping to discredit them by making their ouster a public story told in misspelled, lying and juvenile tweets, but if anything, being fired by Donald Trump is a sure sign that they have some serious dirt on him and should be listened to.

The *resident of the United States is a criminal, openly trying to intimidate witnesses and obstruct justice. Everything he does right now is a clear indication of his consciousness of guilt, and in his obsession with smearing the people he fear, he loses what little focus he had on his actual job and becomes even more incompetent at it. The fact that he is allowed to remain in power is an embarrassment to tbe country, and a sign that the entire Republican party is complicit in his mockery of a presidency.

The US has become something very ugly, and scary. Let's hope there is a way back.