Wednesday, August 29, 2018

President Crazy-Pants

There is no longer any plausible explanation for the tweets and statements made by the so-called president of the United States, other than this: Donald Trump is bat-shit crazy. He is now going down a particularly self-destructive road from which there may be no return. He is out of options, out of ideas, and out of gas. Even the hot air, which he seemed to have in an infinite supply, has started to fizzle. The pathetic shadow of a man residing in the White House has absolutely no clue and is now living in a completely delusional state of mind, obsessing over conspiracies he hears on Fox News instead of fulfilling his duties. If impeachment hearings were started now, it would be a slam-dunk case to remove him from office. Too bad that the Republican-controlled Congress lacks any sliver of decency and are still trying to pretend that Donald Trump us a real president, not only failing to play one on TV.