Tuesday, February 13, 2018

West Winging It

The White House is losing people at an alarming rate, and they are having trouble finding new candidates to fill the vacancies. Exacerbating the problem is their initial reluctance to hire enough people in the first place, with many deputy positions within the administration left unstaffed since Trump took office. The result is as evident as it was predictable: a White House in chaos, struggling to stay on top of even the most important issues. There is no plan, just a daily panic and madness. Balls are dropped, contradicting messages are released, scandals are created around the incompetent people in Trump's orbit, most every official White House statement is a shameless and transparent lie, and the big, ugly ghost of Russia is always lurking in the background.

The West Wing is looking more like the Wild West Wing for each passing day. This is not a healthy way of running a government.