Monday, February 19, 2018

Emma Gonzalez For President

Emma Gonzalez, a high school girl who escaped the Florida school massacre with her life, is Donald Trump's worst nightmare. Smart, verbal, strong, female and of Latin American heritage, she is his opposite in every respect, and a formidable adversary. In just a few sentences spoken to the press, she effectively annihilated him, and suggested we deal with the illegitimate and dysfunctional president by ignoring him. For the narcissist Trump, that's the ultimate horror. Without attention from others, he withers away.

Pity he makes such great documentary drama at the moment. It's hard to look away from the messiest presidential train wreck in history, and it's hard not to comment on it. But for Emma, I will try. I hope she gets into politics. Her voice was a beacon of common sense, clarity and honesty that lit up the day, even against the grim reality of the recent mass shooting.