Russia has lost the initiative in their own attack on Ukraine, and are now relegated to responding to Ukraine's actions. The Russian military command appears lost on what to do, and lots of Russian soldiers have been lost in the most literal sense possible: tens of thousands of troops have lost their lives in Putin's utterly failed war. The remaining Russian soldiers appear lost to despair.
Putin has lost the war, and a fitting phrase to describe both him and his "military special operation" would be "dead man walking". He might not literally die from this, but he has lost his grip on the situation and on reality, and his life in politics will soon be over.
Another fitting quote is "Sic semper tyrannis". Sadly, John Wilkes Booth made that phrase infamous by uttering it in reference to Abraham Lincoln, who was by no means a dictator, but it remains true. Dictators inevitably lose touch with reality, become blinded by their own ego and fall hard. Putin is no exception.