Friday, June 10, 2022


Vladimir Putin just openly compared himself to Czar Peter the Great of the old time Russian Empire, as if that was an ideal to strive for. Anyone aspiring to emulate a totalitarian, brutal emperor from centuries ago has no place in modern society. Russia is a sick country that still yearns for a strong man to lead them to glory. The fact that Putin is leading them into isolation, poverty and disrespect seems to be totally lost on them.

The population of Russia has had plenty of chances to come to terms with the modern politics, where countries can't just murder and steal from their neighbors to improve their standing and wealth. Unfortunately for them and for Ukraine, they still fail to play by the rules, and they deserve to be punished for it.

This is no longer a problem with Putin. It is a problem with Russia, and they need to get their heads into the 21st century before their economy is thrown back to the 19th century.