Monday, April 15, 2019

Not Smart Enough

On Sunday Fox News, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on live TV and said something that should haunt her for the rest of her life. Gripping for the last straw to keep Donald Trump's tax returns from being subpoenaed by Congress, she claimed that "I don’t think Congress, particularly not this group of Congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be."

Really, Sarah? Many members of Congress are lawyers. Most of them have a proper university education and, contrary to Donald Trump, they can all read perfectly well. Furthermore, they have a small army of helpers to read and summarize document collections that are significantly more complex than a few years' worth of tax returns for a small time, failing private company like the Trump Organization.

And, speaking of intelligence, Sarah Huckabee Sanders herself has a degree from the extremely unremarkable Ouachita Baptist University, the same school from where her father Mike Huckabee graduated, and for which he has been a large donor to the faculty. Make of that what you will, but she really doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed when she opens her mouth.

Instead of appearing on state-controlled Fox News and tell lies and slander without being called out for it, the Press Secretary should consider doing her job: talk to journalists and media in general. Like, how about starting to hold regular press briefings again, instead of hiding in a corner? By the way, didn't she announce that she would resign by the end of 2018? Why is she even still on the job?

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Donald Trump misspoke in an embarrassing and all too revealing manner when he tried to say "look at the origins if the investigation" but instead said "look at the oranges of the investigation". Now, if this had been a single incident, I wouldn't have thought much about it, apart from the fact that it's a hilarious slip coming from a person who is called derogatory names for his propensity for using too much fake tan and have his skin take on an orange tint. However, it was not a single slip, and the entire clip was painful to watch. The first time he meant to say "origins" and it came out wrong, he tried again, and made the same mistake a second time. Then, he tried explaining what he actually meant, saying "you know, the beginnings". He then managed to get the singular correct, saying the word "origin", but then finished with saying "oranges" a third time.

This is not dyslexia, or illiteracy, or stress, or bad pronounciation. I would bet on dementia or Alzheimers. In any case, there is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump's brain, and it's getting worse.