Saturday, February 25, 2017


Kakistocracy: a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.

The word was coined by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829, but has since fallen out of use. In 2017, the situation in the United States has given us a reason to revive it.

So far, the Trump administration has accomplished nothing more than dividing the USA more than ever, creating discord, confusion and mistrust. Demonstrating an unprecedented combination of utter ineptitude, dark and destructive malice and a level of corruption that makes the rest of the world watch in horror and disbelief, the first month of President* Trump has been nothing short of a scary freak show.

Yesterday, the delusional, narcissist clown-in-chief demonstrated beyond doubt that he has absolutely no clue to what he is doing by saying that the US should increase its nuclear weapons capacity to make it remain "top of the pack". (He don't talk so good.) For me, who grew up with the distant but constantly looming threat of the Cold War and the insane nuclear arms race between the USA and the Soviet Union, and knowing that Donald Trump lived through even more of that period in history, this quote in itself is proof beyond doubt that the United States is led by a person who is either a madman or an idiot - quite possibly both. Malice alone fails to explain it. Only stupidity and insanity remain.

For the sake of the planet - literally, in several different ways - President* Trump needs to resign immediately, take the Dark Emperor Steve Bannon and his crooked chief of staff Reince Priebus with him into oblivion, and let Congress decide which ones of his largely dubious appointments for cabinet who are fit to remain. While Vice President Mike Pence comes across as a right-wing creationist science-denial monster from my perspective, at least he seems like a reasonably normal human being with a functioning brain. The only way of dealing with a raving lunatic like Trump, living in a bubble of alternate reality of his own creation, is to remove him from office.

*: I honestly think history will include an asterisk next to Donald Trump's name, naming him "President (but not really)", and I sincerely hope his term will be listed as "2017-2017" with the added note "impeached and removed on grounds of corruption and collusion with a hostile foreign power".