Sunday, October 22, 2023

Last Gasp

Russia is mounting a strong attack on Adiivka, trying to encircle the city. Reports even from within Russia indicate "limited success" and "significant losses", which is a devastating failure for Russia. Their resources are not infinite, and throwing away thousands of lives on one small objective, and not even achieving that, is a recipe for disaster.

We are now watching the death throes of the allegedly mighty Russian military forces, and Putin is not going to last. It remains to be seen what Russia after Putin will look like. Unless China drops their support, it seems unlikely that the nation will be demilitarized, like Germany and Japan after World War II, but their military forces will remain depleted for quite some time.

Beyond being defeated, Russia must face consequences for their aggression. Humiliation is not something to avoid, it is something to strive for. The rest of the world must stop tip-toeing around Russia. It's time to stop letting them pretend they are a key player in the international arena. They have nuclear weapons, if they are still working after decades of neglect, but nothing else, and we must take those away. Without a nuclear threat to throw at anyone who disagrees with them, Russia is nothing. They control a vast territory, but most of it is barren land with an arctic climate which is largely unpopulated. Their already smallish economy is shrinking, corruption is rampant, their industry is outdated and badly managed, and Russians with an education and some initiative are either looking to flee the country or have already left.

Russia is done, and we are done with Russia. Once this is over, perhaps they can redeem themselves over time, but first they must face reality: they are not important enough to be allowed to hold the world hostage to their criminal agenda.