Tuesday, August 17, 2021


The most important issue right now in the hive mind of the Republicans seems to be to prevent people from wearing a mask. In a roundabout way, this is very fitting, as we are now experiencing a situation where any remaining slivers of plausible deniability are evaporating and we see the Republicans expose themselves for what they really are: callous, cynical monsters who care for absolutely nothing but their own political power.

The GOP is, indeed, unmasked. The world is watching, and the world remembers. I sincerely hope they will not be able to hide behind their masks again and pretend to be human. Compassion, decency, honesty, reason and a desire to do good are fundamental traits for those aspiring to lead a free nation, not a fake mask to put on and fake outrage when it suits your dark and deceptive purposes.

There is nothing left but ugly to see of the Republican party. Remember this sight, and do not ever let them make you forget what you saw.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Dark Side

When watching US politics from the outside, it's painfully obvious that there are two opposing sides two every debate, and that there are very few "moderate" views on the scale between the two extremes. In fact, there seems to be no scale at all, only the polar opposites. Why is that?


A simple but ugly explanation is that there is nothing that bridges good and evil, no intermediate position to take between the dark side and the light side. If you are evil, you have no capacity for compassion, empathy, kindness and self sacrifice for the greater good. Evil knows only greed, cruelty and self service. Evil considers decency and consideration for others a flaw and a weakness, and evil cannot understand how good people think, just as good people cannot understand how evil people think.

It is a sorry state of affairs that we are not seeing a debate between right and left, but between right and wrong. And to confuse things, the left side is the right side.

The political "right" in the US has gone berserk and descended into pure evil, and they are on the wrong side of history. We can only hope that history does not change sides.