Monday, May 17, 2021

Bad Rep

As time passes and the legal system is slowly starting to grind normally, after being crippled for the past four years by a corrupt and criminal cabal of Trumpists, we are finally seeing the enablers of the Orange Menace be taken to court for their shenanigans and dirty deeds.

The wheels of Justice grind slowly but deliberately, and we are not going to see them all in jail by tomorrow, or next week, or maybe even next year for the most complicated and extensive legal cases, but the bad people in the Republican party are in deep trouble, and they know it.

When these people, and I use that term very generously to refer also to the lowlife scum we are discussing here, are finally gone from the Republican party, what will be left? Not a lot. Perhaps not enough to remain a major player in US politics. A split or a reboot with a new name might be the best way forward. We will see how it plays out.

It's important to keep two things in mind: the worst is over for the good people, and the worst is yet to come for the bad people. Be patient.