Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Donald Trump is finally out of the White House, a place where he never fit in, never seemed to want to be, and never should have been in the first place. Still, most of the Republican party seem to be supporting him, even as he makes a fool of himself for everyone to see. The finally former president is a broken man, physically, mentally, financially and politically, and yet his minions seem intent on going down with the ship instead of trying to save whatever might be left to save of their corrupt and self-serving careers.

These people are not all stupid. They are not all sheep that are easily led to slaughter. There is something very strange about this, and I suspect we will soon see a very ugly underbelly of the monstrosity that is the Republican party.

About time, I say. I just can't quite fathom how they seem so intent on helping speed up their demise. But then again, I fail to understand the motivations for most things they do. I certainly understand why they do it, but I don't understand how anyone would want to do anything for those reasons.