Saturday, September 5, 2020

Line in the Sand

 Like I said in my post from June 29, I will never understand the unfaltering support from most US citizens of the nation's armed forces, in particular when it comes to personal communication. Anyone posting a comment in an online forum and stating that they are a current or former member of the US armed forces, several people pile on with nothing more to say than "thank you for your service". They do not know anything about what that person did, or how well they did their job, it's just a reflex action to say it. Veterans are close to untouchable, and to disrespect American troops is a carreer ending move for any politician from either party.

So, of course, this is what asshat crazypants Trump does. He has been quoted as saying that a cemetery-full of people who died in service during WWI were "losers" and "suckers", and bragging about how he cheated his way out of being drafted for Vietnam. Several sources have confirmed this, but the White House is panicking to kill the story. Their reaction means two things: it's true, and they know how damaging it is.

I can't understand why this would be the straw that finally broke the camel's back, but sure, I'll welcome anything that can make the average American wake up, realize what a truly horrible person they have elected and get off their ass and vote him out in November.