Sunday, August 23, 2020


The train wreck that is Donald Trump's presidency gets ever more horrific with each passing day, and what little remains of his support is dwindling by the hour. Mainstream media outlets are now finally starting to report on the obvious criminal and corrupt behavior from Trump and his minions, and we even see his lies being correctly called out as such, instead of being described as merely "contested statements", or the cowardly euphemism "non-factual statements".

It is now, finally, looking like truth and compassion will prevail, and that intelligence and skill will once again be merits for serving in either of the three branches of US government.

It is no longer a distant dream that Trump and his evil cabal of grifters, cheaters, fascists and thugs will be brought to justice. Several of them have in fact already been convicted, more are facing charges, and still more are being investigated - among them Donald Trump himself.

However, now that the day of reckoning is coming for the Trump administration, rhe United States must reflect on the sad fact that President Trump was even allowed to happen. It was blindingly obvious even four years ago that Trump was a liar, a cheater, a racist, a sexual predator with a sickening taste for underage girls, a malignant narcissist and an absolute moron. It is very disturbing that the political system was unable to prevent a person so obviously unfit for the presidency, and so unworthy of it, from getting all the way to the top and making a huge mess of everything.

The United States will not survive another mistake like this, and the world is facing other, real problems that need our full attention. Having an evil clown in the White House, throwing a childish tantrum at every perceived enemy, never even trying to do his job, makes it hard to focus on important matters. Donald Trump must go, his entire gang of thugs must go, and people like them must never again be allowed to take the country hostage.

The United States has quite a lot of self reflection to do before it can show its face in the international arena again.