Friday, July 24, 2020

"Person, woman, man, camera, TV"

Donald Trump does not understand that a Montreal Cognitive Assessment is only ever administered to a patient when doctors have reason to suspect cognitive impairment for some reason, be it dementia, stroke or head trauma. He also fails to understand that the test is designed to be very easy for someone with normal brain function, and that any wrong answers count towards a confirmation of a problem and warrants further testing. Bragging about that he "aced the test" and did "amazingly well" is preposterous, as a perfect score is the norm for an entirely average person without brain damage.

Instructions for the person administering the test is also to provide positive feedback regardless of how the patient is actually performing ("good, this is going well"), and not to reveal the score to the subject ("you did great"). He obviously thinks the test was difficult, and he says that he doubts that his opponent Joe Biden would do well on the test. Given Trump's well known propensity for obvious projection, this tells us that he did not, in fact, do so well himself.

A telling sign that he does not even understand what the test is all about is his story about "one very tough question" where you are given five random words and are asked to repeat them. This is an extremely easy task, but the process of repeating them makes them enter the mid-term memory, which means that a normal person should be able to remember the words well enough to repeat them a few minutes later, after having answered some other easy questions. Donald Trump speaks of this as a Herculean feat requiring superhuman intelligence and focus, while in actuality it is a simple and straightforward thing to do for a person with a normal brain putting some effort and focus into the task.

Last, but not least, his mind failed to register that the words he were given were a deliberately unrelated mix, in order not to make the task trivial. One version of the test has the words "face, velvet, church, daisy, red". Donald Trump's addled and slow mind exemplified the question by naming strongly related and very concrete nouns he could spot in his surroundings: "person, woman, man, camera, TV". Still, even when he picked the words himself, he could repeat them five seconds later, but clearly stumbled and struggled with repeating them thirty seconds later.

Donald Trump was never intelligent, but now his mind is leaving him. He is not only stupid, evil and compromised by a number of serious psychological disorders rooted in his broken childhood and pampered life, he is now also suffering from dementia. A person in that condition absolutely cannot meet the requirements for serving as the President of the United States of America, and should be removed by invoking the procedures described in the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Today's feeble and failed attempt at holding a "press conference" by the President-in-name-only was a full frontal display of Donald Trump's total inability to perform even the most basic cognitive tasks, like reading from a script, forming at least somewhat complete sentences, and appearing alive. Nobody with any brain at all could have watched that and thought "yeah, that's the guy I want in charge".

As a special bonus treat in the Q&A section at the end, he said about Ghislaine Maxwell that he "wishes her well". The woman is arrested on charges of trafficking of underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein. The charges are serious and credible, she is kept in custody with no bail, about to spend the rest of her life in prison for acts so heinous that normal people are revolted by even hearing about them, and the supposed President of the United states... wishes her well?

A serial rapist of underage girls is illegitimately holding the office of the President of the United States. He needs to go. Now.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pooping His Pants

I am not going to claim that Donald Trump literally has lost control of his body to the point where he needs to wear diapers. There are some indications that this might be the case, but I am not going there, because it really doesn't matter other than as a possible secondary sign that his decline is partly due to dementia and not just psychosis and outright stupidity. No, the headline is figurative. Let me explain.

Today, Donald Trump tweeted a photo of himself wearing a mask, after months of refusing to wear one, and tried in a pathetic manner to claim this as proof that "your favorite President" is more patriotic than anyone. Sorry, Donald Trump, you get zero points for coming this late to the party. In fact, we think you should have a few points deducted, but you are already at zero, so we'll award you nothing and call it even.

Lindsey Graham, one of the most sleazy of the Republican scum in the Senate, tweeted "Well done, Mr. President", as if praising a toddler for finally pooping in the toilet. However, the picture was from Trump's previous visit to the Walter Reed hospital, where he was required to wear a mask to gain entry. What's more, minutes after the tweet he went ahead and held a meeting where nobody had a mask on. Therefore, Graham's tweet was more akin to congratulating a nine year old for finally having been forced to use the toilet once a few days ago, but now continuing to poop his pants just like before.

Whether Donald Trump actually poops his pants is largely irrelevant, but metaphorically speaking, he does nothing but soil himself in public these days. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to praise anything he does.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

We Can't Breathe

Joe Biden made a public appearance today, and managed to say more comforting and reassuring things in 50 minutes than Trump has done in his entire time in office. When Joe Biden wins the election, we can all breathe esier. He is smart, kind, humble, well informed and well prepared, and he is determined to change the tone from sowing discord to unifying people.
I usually don't link to videos, but this one is worth your time. I was breathing easier after watching it.

Joe Biden has a plan, while Trump shows dereliction of duty