Monday, May 27, 2019


Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to lie without repercussions. Freedom of thought does not include the right to blatantly ignore established facts and still be respected. Freedom of religion does not include the right to impose your belief on others by force. The freedom to pursue prosperity and happiness does not include the right to commit crimes to reach your goals. Neither of these restrictions seem to matter for the Republicans in general, nor to Donald Trump in particular.

We are not talking shady tactics or dirty tricks to get ahead in a brutal political landscape. We are way past the point where the Republican party and their man-baby "president" could be given the benefit of doubt concerning whether their actions are perhaps just utterly reprehensible, but not outright illegal. What is unfolding before our eyes is a tangled web of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, cover-ups, treason, theft, fraud, criminal negligence and derelict of duty, perhaps even kidnapping, child molestation and manslaughter at its dark, dark core. These people are evil, a stain on humanity. They are a shame and an embarrassment to the United States, and they pose an immediate and serious danger to the entire world.

Now is the time for all good people to come together and say "ENOUGH".