Sunday, September 16, 2018

Non Sequitur

A Republican-funded poll indicates that the Republican party faces a problem with voter turnout for the midterm elections. At first sight, this appears logical, because it would only be natural for Republican voters to have second thoughts about backing up an insane president and a deeply corrupt party. However, that is not the reason stated in the poll. Instead, the respondents indicated a lack of enthusiasm for voting because they believe the supposed "blue wave" of Democrat voters eager to vote the Congress out of Republican  hands is "fake news", and that - get this - there is no need to vote, because the Republicans are going to win anyway.

Let's think about that point of view for a moment. "The Republicans are going to win anyway, so I see no good reason to get off my as and actually vote for them." The laziness and sheer stupidity of that statement is appalling. This might possibly be a mental block, a way of motivating themselves to pull their support for a criminal to remain in power without actually admitting, even to to themselves, that they don't like him. However, I suppose we should be happy either way. The blue wave keeps gaining momentum, and the Trump presidency will hopefully be washed away by it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Water is Wet

In a pathetic attempt to look presidential, Donald Trump appeared on TV and told American citizens that hurricane Florence, currently en route to the US, is going to be "tremendously big and tremendously wet".

Yes, seriously. Even for him, this is extraordinary imbecile and deeply embarrassing.

The president of the United States is a man with the mind and vocabulary of a five year old child. "Lookie, I used the big grown-up word twice! Donnie did good?"