Friday, September 29, 2017

Me, Me, Me

Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist, and no matter the issue, he always tries to make it all about him.
Well, at the moment it IS all about him. But it shouldn't be.
He needs to go.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Party Like There's No Tomorrow

We are watching the Republican Party crumble. It's being poisoned from within due to the infighting, lies, shady connections, bribes and the Russia cloud. Donald Trump is going to take the party down with him, and the phrase "Vote Republican" will become an insult instead of a rally cry.

The "Party of Lincoln" has some really tough times ahead. And they deserve it.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


"Nambia" is not a country in Africa, but Donald Trump doesn't know that. Reading from a teleprompter, he either misread "Namibia", or someone slipped up in typing his script. Either way, the incident shows that the President of the United states knows less about the world than a fifth grader, doesn't care to learn, and can't even be bothered to rehearse his speeches.

Next up: Leaders of Uzpakistan, Manymar and Sebria join up and ask Trump to stop referring to their non-existent countries.

Out Of It

Donald Trump is out of ideas, out of options, out of time, out of friends and out of his mind. We can only hope the trend continues, and that his behavior sends him out of the White House.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wealth Care

Amidst the chaos caused by the avalanche of revelations concerning Mueller's Russia investigation, the Republicans are still trying to argue that the current health insurance system is collapsing and dying, and that the US health care system should basically be taken out back and shot. What's more, they argue that the money saved by letting people die should be handed to the richest people in the country by giving them tax cuts. To a European observer, like me, nothing of that makes any sense at all.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's Getting Worse

The cognitive functions seem to be leaving Donald Trump at an alarming speed. Whatever debilitating disease he is suffering from, it's not your garden variety Alzheimer's, which is a cruel but slowly progressing condition. There is such a thing as rapid progress dementia, with concrete diagnoses like LBD (Lewy body dementia) and CJD (Creuzfeldt-Jacobs disease, "Mad Cow disease"). While I am in no position to offer a diagnose, what we are seeing from Donald Trump right now is certainly consistent with some sort of rapidly progressing dementia. In any case, he is literally losing his mind right before our eyes, and he seems to be moving very rapidly into the fog.